Installing Jekyll

Getting started with Jekyll is relatively simple, although perhaps not quite as simple as their documentation would have you believe. There are a number of dependencies and requirements you have to satisfy before installing and using Jekyll. Let’s explore those dependencies and talk about the process of getting started with Jekyll. read more

Learning Github

When I first started learning Github I kept running into frustrating roadblocks. It seemed like every tutorial I took, or article I read, assumed I was a developer and used terms and terminology that I just wasn’t familiar with. Perhaps worse than that, because certain things were assumed it would often halt my learning process because I wouldn’t understand how to fill in the blanks between steps. I decided to jump in headfirst, make lots of mistakes, and research things that as a designer I wasn’t really that interested in. I channeled all of those lessons into my Github for Web Designers course, and I decided to pull this blog post from the companion reference site to highlight some of the things I found useful when learning Github. If you want to learn more about the course check it out on or check out the companion repository on Github. read more